Ready To Teach

A proactive program developed by a teacher for teachers, Ready To Teach empowers new and seasoned educators with effective methods for classroom management, professional development, and teaching vocabulary.

As a respected authority on Classroom Management for over 30 years, Dr. Alene Harris is a teacher, author, researcher, professor and a proponent of teachers – championing them to succeed in the classroom. Why is the ready To Teach program considered so crucial to teachers and so valuable to others? When teachers succeed in Classroom Management, a positive chain reaction occurs. They experience decreased behavior issues, increased student engagement, and increased teacher instruction time – which leads to greater academic success for students and greater professional satisfaction for teachers.

With the slash of school budgets, Dr. Harris faced the situation of pursuing her passion to help more teachers with more affordable and more efficient options. Therefore, the Ready To Teach program was launched online, making resources much more convenient to educators, extremely cost effective starting at $29.95, and so incredibly flexible that its effectiveness increased.

Educators and administrators who seek solutions and results discover the Ready to Teach management strategies and tactics not only prepare and expand their capabilities, but also provide consistent tools and advance teaching skills that produce positive effects in the classroom and beyond.

Image for GOTAGS, Getting Off to a Good Start from Ready To Teach

Based on thousands of hours of classroom observation and informed by 16-plus years of teacher feedback data, Getting Off to a Good Start (GOTAGS) is an evidence-based, efficient, and economical way to establish or strengthen Classroom Management within your organization.

Image for Maintaining Momentum from Ready to Teach

A companion to GOTAGS, Maintaining Momentum, provides teacher-tested and proven strategies in four areas of support that are helpful throughout the school year: Promoting Appropriate Student Behavior, Managing Small Groups, Assessing Student Work, and Enhancing Student Motivation.

Image for the Ready To Teach Program Results

Discover why Ready To Teach courses and materials receive critical acclaim to be proactive on many levels, with proven records of performance and delivering positive results.

Image for Morphemes from Ready To Teach

Developed in a language arts classroom, these two classical roots mini-courses develop a student’s vocabulary and thinking skills. Recommended for grades 7-12 and highly advised for SAT test preparation, these programs are appropriate for both classroom and homeschool education.

Profile picture of Dr. Alene Harris, Lead Author, Ready To Teach

Earning a Ph.D. in Education and Human Development from Vanderbilt University and a Master’s in Education from George Peabody College for Teachers, Dr. Harris has garnered respect for her knowledge, experience and dedication. She developed the vocabulary mini-courses in her 16 years of language arts and science classroom teaching – and honed those results as she prepared future English teachers at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. She developed the Ready To Teach management program in her over 30 years of conducting and publishing research while teaching future teachers through collegiate coursework and in-service workshops across the country. Her immense enthusiasm, commitment, and vigilance of continued development of the Ready To Teach program shine in each new edition of the coursework.

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